Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On campus and off campus events

Event #1

The on campus event I attended was titled: The Arts, Creativity and Learning: Integrating the Innate Habits Required for Art-Making into Learning for Transformation. The guest speaker was Lisa Fitzhugh, who is the founder of Arts Corps and also a creativity motivator within corporations and organizations. She first talked about the primary attribute of creativity: it begins with who we are. What see is influenced by what we know from our past experiences. Emotions color our reality and our reactions to present experiences are based on those emotions. Next Fitzhugh talked about creativity with a “moral compass” and her work with Amazon. Amazon has a reputation for being a creative company, but her opinion is that they were going about it in the wrong way because management was not considering Amazon’s impact on the planet. This was an event I was glad I attended. One of the main points that made the biggest impression on me was her encouragement to keep trying new things that wouldn’t normally be tried and keep doing it.

Event #2

The off campus event I attended was Jessica Hische at the Society of Design at the Whittaker Center in Harrisburg. She began by talking about lettering, calligraphy and type design and the main differences between the three: lettering is the drawing of letters, words and phrases; calligraphy is the writing of letters, words, and phrases; and type design is the system of letters, numbers, glyphs, etc. Hische also talked about designing her letterings and some font design programs (FontLab, Glyphs, and Robofont). Since “procrastiworking” is a term she coined for the unproductive activities she does when she says she should be doing work, the second half of the event focused on procrastiworking, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.

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