Sunday, February 24, 2013

Typography Journal, Week 3

This past weekend, I had to go to MoMA in New York City to see an exhibit for another class. While I was there, I couldn't stop looking at typography... afterall, there are signs everywhere in NYC. I recognized what I thought was Helvetica or Arial on many street signs, posters, and store signs.

My first example I first saw on a billboard as we were driving on the highway in New Jersey (I think it was I-95). I wasn't able to take a photo when I saw it, so I had to find it online when we got back home. I love the cleverness of the plane as the X in expo and how the text is on an upward slant, like a plane taking off from a runway. I don't know if this is correct or not, but in the word TRAVEL I think there should be slightly more kerning in between the R and A and slightly less kerning between the V and the E.

My second example is of a poster I found on a bus stop shelter in NYC. It's an ad for Top of the Rock, the observation deck at Rockefeller Center. The bold weight on the NY in ANY emphasizes New York and can also be read as "A NY Point of View". Besides the clever play on words, I like the lightness and airiness of the typeface and how it suggests air/sky, which is appropriate for the placement of the type. It also compliments the beautiful scenery by not distracting the eye with a heavier typeface. It's clean, clear, and easy to read. The typeface almost reminds me of a movie poster.

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