Sunday, February 10, 2013

Typography Journal, Week 1b

In my novice opinion, I would say this poster/flyer is an example of poor use of typography. My first argument for the use of poor typography is the typeface that's used in "A Black History Month Celebration: Black Women are Finer Women" and the date and time. It is difficult to read, plus the tracking is too tight. Aside from that, I feel that the typeface is more appropriate for something lighter or playful, maybe something child-related or invitations to a baby shower or a birthday party - as long as the tracking is loser.
I also think the typeface on the first header is also more appropriate in a different type of flyer, maybe a comic strip/book or a comedy open mic night or something similar. I think the block-style typeface is appropriate though, and the creator of this flyer was somewhat on the right track there.
The sentence "light refreshments will be served" typeface is also difficult to read at that size. The tracking looks much tighter and the characters seem to melt together, making it rather unreadable. Maybe a subtler, lighter typeface would be better in my opinion.
Unrelated to typography, and more related to layout design, I would have moved logo of the sorority up to the first header and maybe move the when and where text to the center and up a few nudges to allow more space before where the image starts to fade in.
I'd like to say that I know right away which typefaces I'd use if I had created this flyer, but truthfully, I'd have to experiment first. Maybe by the end of this semester I will know.

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